The bee packages have arrived Getting the queen out of the package Getting the queen out of the package Pouring the bees into the hive Pouring the bees into the hive Feeding the bees to give them a good start Closing the beehive They seem to like their new home The four hives are populated By-weekly check-up to make sure they are ok Feeding pollen patties in early spring Pollen patties More feeding in early spring Checking the frames Tom checking the frames The bees collect pollen and nectar from the wildflowers on the property Franziska and Mark checking for honey Honey combs are full Tom uncapping the honey combs Liquid "gold" Our first honey in 2009 Our first honey in 2009 Liviu and Lily checking for honey Liviu and Lily checking for honey Liviu, Lily and Tom checking for honey We are soon ready Noah uncapping the honeycombs The honey flows